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Personal Trip 101: Ipoh Family Day – Day 0 Detailed Planning

Perak Ipoh Personal Trip Family Hills

The capital of the state of Perak, Ipoh was one of the options when we decided that it was high time for a proper family trip outside the Klang Valley (the other was Cameron Highlands) as the last family trip that we organized was in June 2022 involving 2 other families. However, we decided to go by ourselves so that it would be easier to book the hotel room and we would be able to visit all the places on time as per our itinerary. Image source: Wikipedia.

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Living in a Dreamland


(Talking about being the dreamland, the image above has nothing to do with the post below but it’s damn funny. Just letting you know. Source: Malaysian Gags Facebook Page)

Yes, I am still here…

In the morning, one of the first things I do when I am away from the country, is to switch on the news channel (BBC & CNN preferred but if there is none, then the local news channel). It has been my habit since I started flying overseas for assignments. You will never know what would be the breaking news for the day.

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Religion 101: Religion Rumours, Here We Go Again!

I really wonder whether we will ever cross the finishing line to be a developed country if highly political, religion and seditious matters are played on public grounds on regular basis, turning one Malaysian against another based on hearsays, political hidden agendas and highly charged emotions.


(It is ok to fight for one’s religion and beliefs but it should be a fight for the betterment of mankind and not be used for political means. Image source:

It used to be the crosses on some cookies or the logo on a famed football club or “Christian” names on some schools.

Read More »Religion 101: Religion Rumours, Here We Go Again!