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Health 101: The Power of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting food

In the ancient Indian system of medicine known as Ayurveda, the emphasis is on natural, whole foods and the timing and manner of eating which includes intermittent fasting, as much as on the food itself. This holistic approach considers not just the nutritional content of food, but also how it affects the body’s balance of the three fundamental bodily humors: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Image source: Photo by Rachael Gorjestani on UnsplashRead More »Health 101: The Power of Intermittent Fasting

Outbreak 101: Timing & Urgent Need For Certification For New Face Mask

Face Mask, COVID19, Outbreak, ASTM Level 3, SIRIM, Empro

This is the face mask brand that we prescribe nowadays even though it is quite expensive compared to the cheap blue coloured ones sold in supermarkets. We get ours from the local pharmacy and it is a well-made face mask and it is locally made as well.

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Lockdown 2021: MCO 3.0 – Will It Be Effective Reducing COVID19 Cases?

COVID19 Lockdown MCO Malaysia Health

As of 11th May 2021, Malaysia saw 3,807 new infection cases with 3.454 cases recovered and 17 deaths. On the first day of MCO 3.0, the number went up to 4,765 new infections and 39 deaths. In total, we had 1,761 Malaysians died from COVID19 todate. Image source: MOH

Read More »Lockdown 2021: MCO 3.0 – Will It Be Effective Reducing COVID19 Cases?