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Lunatic Acts Before the General Elections – Part 1

By now, they say when the election is around the corner, expect some form of lunatic acts and strange things will happen. The sky will turn sweet pink and you will see coming down from their place in the sky down to earth and share the way of life and hardships of the people.

P.s. It has been more than 2 months down the line, the pain in the neck (or rather my arm) have reduced drastically. It has been improving on daily basis after I had started the cervical traction treatment, sleeping without pillows and DIY neck exercise. It has not gone completely but at least now, I don’t have that pain whenever I drive which is great and is a big relief.

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Hindraf Rally 2007: Realistic Way Out?

Hindraf Indian

Hindraf, an Indian NGO is proposing to do a rally to hand over a petition to the British High end of this week. You would have also heard (likely in disbelief) of the legal suit against the British for a cool USD4 trillion – that would have made all in millionaires. Image source: Malaysiakini

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