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Motorsport 101: The Time When We Proudly Had A Formula One Malaysian Driver

                                                             Sauber Petronas Formula One Malaysia

Long before we had a Malaysian driver in and long before you saw the word and logo of Petronas & on the side of the Mercedes AMG Formula One car, we had the Formula Team which for me personally has to be one of the beautiful cars around. Image source: Ultimate Car Page.

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Enforcement 101: A Rather Stupid Idea for the Lovable Mat Rempits?

mat rempit enforcement menace

(War on the menace of civilised society, Mat Rempit is on-going – Image source: Perak Today)

I think internally there is a competition among the in this country to come up with the wildest ideas. And the latest one that has hit the headlines is the one that deals with allowing pesky Mat Rempits aka public nuisance to on public streets.

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Enforcement 101: Ops Sikap, Authorities Should Be Blamed Too 2

mat rempit enforcement menace motorcyclist skinning ops sikap

(What we need in Ops Sikap is more stringent enforcement instead of just enforcement – it is high time the police get tough with hardcore traffic law abusers. Image source:

Update: I guess it is unfair to point the fingers at the police alone although they do handle the bulk of the since there are other agencies involved namely JPJ who handle licensing & training and JKJR who handle the overall coordination and -related activities

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Motorsport 101: What is Malaysian F1 Team Deadly Cost?

formula 1 F1 formula one motorsport

(It is not cheap to run an F1 team even for winning teams and they need to keep winning races if they expect good sponsorship to cover their expenses every year – Image source: Forbes)

There are pros and cons to the Government’s latest adventure into Formula 1 (F1). We thought we had a taste of F1 with Petronas’ involvement with Sauber, BMW and Mercedes and with our own Alex Yoong in the driver’s seat but in the Boleh spirit, we are getting ourselves one notch up in this very expensive sport

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Childhood Memories: Part 15 – Fast Exciting Motorcycle Grand Prix

grand prix superbike motorcycle

Still, remember the time when Formula 1 was unknown and a distance away and all we have was the Bike GP (Grand Prix)?

And to colour them was Rothmans Honda, Lucky Strike Suzuki and Marlboro Yamaha. I still remember entering my uncle’s room one day and there on the wall, was a large poster of Kevin Schwantz taking a corner on his Lucky Strike Suzuki.

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