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Spicy Sambal

Mandatory Quarantine 2020: Part 1 – The Long, Tiring Transit in Changi Singapore

transit holding area changi singapore airport

(The “Transit Holding Area” at in is huge, spacious and well equipped. If your transit time is short, this will be an ideal place to catch your breath and get a quick rest before your flight. However, if your transit time is long, this is not a good place to catch your sleep and rest)

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Spicy Sambal 101: Ever Wondered Why It Is Getting Sweeter?

sambal spicy nasi lemak

(Ever wondered why the “spicy” sambal is getting sweeter these days? It is a disgrace to the very reason why we have many types of in our dishes the first place. Image source: Wikipedia)

I guess somewhere in the universe, some planets or stars must have crossed paths and the sellers down in have decided to put more sugar (instead of chilly) into the “must-have” deadly concoction.

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