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Toll Booth

Driving Skills 101: Queue Jumper’s Unnecessary Provocations

provocation queue-jumper

(The “usual” provocations from the queue jumpers at the toll plaza – the traffic moves faster if everyone queues up and wait for their turn. Imagine what happens if one decides to drive between the proper queues and tries to cut in. Before you know it, another line had formed in between the 2 original lines and the traffic comes to a crawl. Image source: Challenging Coaching)

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Driving Skill 101: Encountering An Idiot at Toll Booth

idiot toll accident

( comes in many forms and “cars” – the above is an incident in NY. Photo source:

It was almost 9 pm when I arrived at the after running some late-night errand. The traffic at the toll was not that heavy and moving on well. In front of me was a Proton Wira and this is the whom I am talking about.

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