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Traffic Jam

Traffic Jam 2008: Mentally “Living” in Work Office


I just realise that I am going to the earlier and coming back later than the time when I first started with this job. It has come to a point where when I do come to the office late or leave the office early, people come up to me and ask me if I am feeling right.

This is because I get confused after passing the toll booth of whether it is a huge parking lot or . Huge traffic jam like this in China – image source: The Independant

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The unexpected traffic and KL drivers

It is always been a sound idea to go for an outstation trip a week or so after a major holidays. The last thing I want to do on a holiday is to waste time and risk myself in heavy traffic jams on the highway. So, when the long break during Chinese New Year came, we were holed up in our house and only made short distance

So when I decided to go to a week after the long break, I had expected an almost traffic free lanes on the highway and I was right.

[Click to read the rest] “The unexpected traffic and KL drivers”