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TV Shows 101: Space 1999, The 1970’s Classic Science Fiction

Moonbase Space 1999 TV Shows 1970 Science Fiction Eagle Spacecraft

The race to propelled imagination of many around the world and that included the & movies which gave us many classics such as the fiction titled “”. Image source: Ultimate Classic Rock

During this lockdown and self-isolations in quarantine centre, one of the things I decided to do to kill the boredom (and make full use of the free internet) by watching old TV series which now is available on Youtube. I had watched a few but for space-related shows, Space 1999 crossed my mind instantly.

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Blogging 101: News Snippets As At 22 December 2010

bus death malaysia cameron highlands snippet

(News snippet – 27 people died but what caused the accident is yet to be confirmed, at least by the right people but already fingers being pointed at the driver and the bus whilst the bodies of the dead Thai tourists being sent home. Image source:

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Childhood Memories: Part 21 – Best Old TV Series

combat TV vic morrow 1980s

(The dependable Sergeant Saunders with his platoon from the hit series, Combat! Image source: Pinterest)

Read the rest of the series here

Lately, I have been watching M*A*S*H (the series) – last seen on national TV in the (or earlier, I can’t recall) and I must say that I almost missed something rather brilliant. Then again, I was too young to understand the double meaning jokes in M*A*S*H. Now it makes sense to me.

Read More »Childhood Memories: Part 21 – Best Old TV Series