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Wuhan Virus

Outbreak 2020: Novel Coronavirus Situation As At 5th February 2020


The 2019-nCoV virus situation as at 5th February 2020: 564 dead, 1,124 recovered and 27,619 confirmed cases. Since 3rd February 2020, the number of deaths has increased by another 138 deaths.

Compared to 3rd February 2020, the fatality rate as at 5th February 2020 had continued to reduce from 2.14% to 2.04% and as well as the recovery rate from 3.13% to 4.07%. The number of confirmed cases in Malaysia unfortunately had increased from 8 cases to 12 confirmed cases but without any fatality. Image source: The Center for Systems Science and Engineering

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Outbreak 2020: Novel Coronavirus Situation As At 28th January 2020

Novel Corona Virus

An almost real time virus dashboard of the 2019-nCoV as at 28th January 2020 – 132 dead, 110 “recovered” and 6,057 confirmed cases worldwide. Image source: The Center for Systems Science and Engineering

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Outbreak Alert 2020: Wuhan Virus Spreads from Human to Human


Wuhan virus which originated from Wuhan, China has pneumonia-like symptoms including fever and difficulty breathing, has already spread to Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen, as well as South Korea, Thailand, and Japan. 6 people have died todate. Infographic source:

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