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August 2007

Limited Choice?

They say self praise is not a praise.

But you know how Malaysian politicians are, right? They have just too much of thick skin on their face to realise that sometimes they are at the wrong place at the wrong time. Take this story titled “Khairy all geared up for role in celebration” in the Star for instance.… [Click to read the rest] “Limited Choice?”

Overseas Assignment 2007: KL to Dubai to Kabul, The Hectic Journey – Part 3


(Kabul International Airport is next to the main US airbase in Kabul and thus located in an active war zone and always in danger of suicide bamber. Image source: Zee News)

Read Part 1 & Part 2 first

We landed in Kabul just after 10.00 am. Surprisingly this time around, the pilot did not make the “crazy loop” before flying down to the runaway (the locals say that if the pilot is doing the crazy loop, it means not safe to land). It was a smooth direct landing in Kabul.

Read More »Overseas Assignment 2007: KL to Dubai to Kabul, The Hectic Journey – Part 3

Overseas Assignment 2007: KL to Dubai to Kabul, The Hectic Journey – Part 2


(The famous Dubai Airport Duty Free area for us to roam around before we leave to Kabul. Image Source: Arabian Business)

Read about Part 1 here

It was almost 5.30 am when I was awakened from my sleep by the air stewardess. We were about to land. Although I think I slept well my whole body was aching – it is really hard to find a good sleeping position in a fully packed economy class. The landing was smooth as usual.

Read More »Overseas Assignment 2007: KL to Dubai to Kabul, The Hectic Journey – Part 2