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August 22, 2007



(I will be “busy” in battlefields – picture source:

It’s time to fly again but hopefully it is for a shorter period than earlier trip. This year has been eventful in my travel intinerary but as usual, I am going to miss these:-

Family (who wouldn’t?)

Malaysian Food (high on the list – a good ikan bilis sambal)

Malaysian Weather (I will never complaint about the hot sweaty Malaysian sun again)

But I am not going to miss:-

Traffic Jam (not often one can ride in an army escort from the hotel to workplace)

“Clowns” in Malaysian Politics (when far away from home, I am able to “close one eyes” on the stupidity of some of our “Yang Berhormat”)

I should be blogging as usual if time permits but there will be some differences this time around (I have learned a lot the last time around).… [Click to read the rest] “Countdown…”