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Traffic Jam 2008: Mentally “Living” in Work Office3 min read


I just realise that I am going to the earlier and coming back later than the time when I first started with this job. It has come to a point where when I do come to the office late or leave the office early, people come up to me and ask me if I am feeling right.

This is because I get confused after passing the toll booth of whether it is a huge parking lot or . Huge traffic jam like this in China – image source: The Independant

My working hours are usually between 9 am to 6 pm – “usually” because if we are working on projects, then working hours will be from 12 am to next day 12 am. So as I was saying, work starts at 9 am. When I started with this job, I used to leave the house at about 7.30 am – take about 30 minutes to reach the office.

Back then, work started at 8.30 am, so I had about 30 minutes for breakfast and read the newspapers. When the work finishes at 5.30 pm back then, I would leave about 6 pm and within 45 minutes, I am back home. This is about 4 years ago.

These days, I leave the house at 6 am (even though work starts at 9 am) and it takes me about the same 30 minutes to reach the office.

That is if I could leave the house anytime before 6.30 am. If after 6.30 am, I am stuck with traffic jam and it takes me more than an hour to reach the office – that too after wasting petrol and time on the road and fight with queue jumpers.

In the evenings, I leave the office at 8 pm at night – a far cry from the 6 pm those days. Even at 8 pm, I am reaching the house after a long crawl in . If I leave earlier, then I will be stuck at Sunway toll plaza – the traffic there is almost not moving.

At 8 pm, it still takes me about 45 minutes but that is because I use the “fastest” lane available and driving faster than the average speed. Basically, I am spending extra 4 hours in the office than usual these days due to traffic jams.

This is why; I am usually holed up in the house on Saturdays and Sundays. I try not to “touch” the car on these 2 days. I also try to get as much sleep possible for the next weekdays.

So, on the outset, I may look like a workaholic to my colleagues – for I am among the firsts to be in and a few lasts to be out. It is not right all the time – I still work the same 8 hours of work like the rest of the “come in at 9 am, leave at 6 pm” colleagues but I add extra 4 hours due to the traffic jams.

And the government said that it has done a lot to improve the quality of life for Malaysians, sigh. Take away the toll booths and spend more on efficient & cheap public transport and things will get better.

Happy holidays!

2 thoughts on “Traffic Jam 2008: Mentally “Living” in Work Office3 min read

  1. Bala,

    Those were the days..Those infamous crawl esp at the Sunway Toll.. I even had my car rammed by kancil who was driven by a mad gangster at the Sunway toll..

    Do I miss the jam? of course you would know the answer.. 🙂

    Maybe you should set a target eg 5 years to start your own business.. Or if I have stared my own business at that time maybe you can join me.. 🙂

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