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June 25, 2008

Blogging 101: Manya Blogger Award

(Image source:

I certainly have my strong views on MIC especially it comes to highway issue (because of, you know who), Hindraf and Maika issues but certainly nothing personal against PMIC, considering how “tame” they has been compared to UMNO Youth fanatics. Tame in many ways indeed.

But things have changed since the last election, after MIC almost got wiped out.… [Click to read the rest] “Blogging 101: Manya Blogger Award”

Childhood Memories: Part 8 – Indiana Jones, One of the Best Movies of 1980s

indiana jones harrison ford movie childhood

(One of the most iconic shots of the movie that came out in 1981 starring Harrison Ford as the adventurous, not the ordinary archaeologist. Image source: Empire)

It must have been in the early ’80s when this happened.

I was back from school early and after finishing off my homework, I went for my usual evening naps, waiting for my dad to come back home. When I woke up, I noticed my younger brother was not in the house. I asked my mom and she told me that both my dad and my brother had left to somewhere in the car.

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