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Personal 101: Queuing – Getting it back


It is not the title of the next 300 movie but rather was the number of people between my queue number and the queue number displayed on the wall of the post office. Surprisingly there was less than 20 people in post office at that time, so where the 380 odd people had gone to?

(Photo source:

We wanted to do our shopping on Saturday afternoon (I had to work in the morning), so we dropped by Tesco and as we passed by the small post office at the ground floor, we noted a small crowd and Pos Malaysia staff handing out the application form for the fuel hike rebates.

I was mislead by the number of people at the post office – little I knew that there was 400 people also waiting for the rebate – that is until I looked at the queue numbers.

No point standing for my turn – so we went ahead with the shopping and I even went for my haircut just to kill time. By the time, we came back, the number had dropped to 200 and the number of people at the post office had swelled to 50. I asked my wife to take my kid to the Tesco playground whilst I waited.

I could have walked away and come back another day but somehow it was not a good idea – what if Pak Lah decide on new rules in the next few days? What if the queue was longer the next day? Besides I have waited long enough…we just needed to wait for the 200 to be done.

One thing I noted that although the queue was about 200 number differences – the numbers was indeed moving fast. In a single turn, the number had moved by almost 20 numbers (it seems many did not want to wait too).

It was almost an hour before my turn came – someone gave me his number which was about 10 numbers earlier (he got another earlier number). The actual process itself was fast – pass the form and the identification card, the staff checks the details and money is handed out – RM625 (of my money).

One funny thing happen during the long wait – a group of Africans was passing by the post office when one remarked “they are giving out money here” and immediately the Africans wanted to fill up the rebate forms as well. This however did not go well with the tiring Malaysians at the post office. Many looked as if they wanted to bash up the Africans.

Thankfully, the staff at the post office explained and the Africans walked away, frustrated.

When I left the post office with the money in my pockets, there was still 500 plus people waiting for their rebates.

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