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May 20, 2009

Personal Trip 101: On Long Pangkor Island Break Part 4

Pangkor Fish Lunch

(In the hotel that we stayed, lunch was great though but only if we were early to queue up. Those coming late had fewer things to eat. Lunch seemed to be so tasty after a “hard day at work” at the beach.)

Read Part 3 here

It was the 2nd day in Pangkor and frankly speaking, we started to get bored. The hotel room, the food and the pool were in a sorry state but then again, this is something we need to accept if we wanted some things to be free. Couple that with frequent blackouts and crowded beaches and it does not look too good. Having nothing much to do was however a blessing in disguise, we managed to catch up on our sleep.

Read More »Personal Trip 101: On Long Pangkor Island Break Part 4