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Parenting 101: Avoid Dark Side of Parenting

Read these first


(What young children really need is a strong, supportive and loving parents. Image source:

Another innocent life taken away all because of sheer recklessness:-

A four-year-old boy died after being left inside his father’s car at the parking lot of SM Kuala Nerang about 45km from Alor Setar.

[Click to read the rest] “Parenting 101: Avoid Dark Side of Parenting”

MH17 Tragedy 2014: The Final Goodbye For The Departed Part 2


I thought the Dutch had served justice to the victims of the crash and nothing will top that off but I was wrong. (Image source: )

The Malaysian Government (yes Najib does look this time) may have copied what the have done but it was worth the final send-off & before the bodies were passed back to their families for the final goodbyes.… [Click to read the rest] “MH17 Tragedy 2014: The Final Goodbye For The Departed Part 2”

Public Transportation 101: Hong Kong: The Home of Efficient Public Transport

public transport

(Comparatively, Malaysia is not far from a very efficient public transportation system and with further extension to the LRT lines and the upcoming MRT lines, one hopes that it will close the gap in the current system. Perhaps we can learn one or two things from .  Image source: Google)

Read More »Public Transportation 101: Hong Kong: The Home of Efficient Public Transport

MH17 Tragedy 2014: Oh My God, Not Another Tragedy!

mh17 MAS tragedy

(What’s left of – a that should not have happened in the first place. Image source: BBC)

I did not believe when I first heard about it. It can’t be true. Someone must have made a mistake. Then the news started to trickle in. It was all gloomy and the outcome did not look well.

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Living in a Dreamland


(Talking about being the , the image above has nothing to do with the post below but it’s damn funny. Just letting you know. Source: Malaysian Gags Facebook Page)

Yes, I am still here…

In the morning, one of the first things I do when I am away from the country, is to switch on the news channel (BBC & preferred but if there is none, then the local news channel). It has been my habit since I started flying for assignments. You will never know what would be the breaking news for the day.

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Blogging 101: When the Active Mind Goes Totally Blank


I did not check but this probably one of the longest mind being blank when it comes to blogging.

Working 7 days a week including working up to 10 at night on the weekdays sure pulls the energy from the mind. Somehow, I still force myself before the mind goes to sleep to take a late-night shower (I have tried but I could not bring myself to bed without a shower…it simply feels too “sticky”) and sometimes put the clothes for .

Then it is off to the bed and wake up again at about 6.30 am (without an alarm) after the alarm goes off at 5.45 am, 5.50 am and 6.00 am (I am rarely aware of the time I switch off the alarm on 3 separate occasions).

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Parenting 101: Siti Tragedy, When We Look the Wrong Way…

Siti Soffea Emelda

The grab above, which shows Emelda being led by a man out of Kota Raya Komplex, could possibly be the last moment Siti Soffea Emelda was seen alive.

The image was taken by police from the shopping centre located in Puduraya on the day Soffea was abducted by the man and hours later found dead with her head severed on the bank of Klang River. Image source: Malay Mail

Read More »Parenting 101: Siti Tragedy, When We Look the Wrong Way…

On A Critical & Tense Tour of Duty, Again

tour of duty

(Another tour of duty – caught this shot with my phone on the way for an trip. Somehow I had the dread thoughts of MH370 but all ended well when nothing out of the ordinary happened and we landed safely)

Firstly sorry for missing out on the regular posts for past 2 weeks. You see, it is the time of the year when I clean up my drawers in the office, prepare the monthly budget for my wife, hunt for new clothes / shoes and prepare myself for a painful good-byes to my (my precious ones in an eerie Gollum voice).

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