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February 2016

Event Recalled 2016: When the Car Monkeyed Around In the Year of the Monkey

tire sidewall car

(One good way to damage the sidewalls but modern tires is designed to absorb such sudden shocks. Image source:

Last month – on the month of the – had proved to be a rather very expensive month for me as an owner of a car.

Firstly I accidentally scraped my left back against the kerb and caused a small portion of the tire sidewall to be sliced off. I know for a fact that whilst you can abuse the main tread and still drive safely, the same cannot be said for the . And it was painful because the tire was still new – barely a year since I last changed it. I took it to 2 different tire shops – the first one looked at it and said it was nothing to worry.

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Parenting 101: All About Good Parenting Part 1

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It is a slow start for 2016 when it comes to blogging but on the other side of the spectrum, I am making some positive changes this year when it comes to personal health. All weekends and on alternate week days when I am back from office early, I am spending at least an hour or so playing badminton to keep myself in shape.

My badminton partners are the usual suspects – my kids (when means I get to pick the shuttlecock most of the time, be very patience and be gentle with my returns) and my wife (when I can practice my smashes, ha ha). It is just a start but I still sucks on other things like the food I eat and the amount of sleep I get on daily basis but as they say a journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step, it is a start for the moment.

Read More »Parenting 101: All About Good Parenting Part 1