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The Malaysian Election 2018 & Opposition Victory Explained1 min read

This is from one of my many old drafts so please bear with the redundancy of the information. However it is worth to revisit the changes in the last general elections m so that we are reminded on why we decided to make the change to a .

It has been almost 200 days after the last elections and since (PH) came into power and yet despite revelations & the on-going criminal charges against those who walked in the corridors of power in the past, there are still many (including your goodself – I can’t still believe that Lim Guan Eng is the Finance Minister of Malaysia) still in disbelief that the corrupt, outdated, back-thinking politicians was promptly kicked out from the corridors of power and Malaysians as whole were sick and tired of how things were done in the past and wanted a change for the better.

This short video makes a good explanation:-

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Empowering a new Government, fresh from the oven (despite having a very seasoned politicians like ) will have it’s own set of challenges and problems.

We need to admit that it will not be perfect – we already seen some PH politicians acting dumb and saying dumb things – but then again, it is highly expected. The whole country is undergoing a good cleaning from top to bottom.

The transition from the old ugly, corrupt, backward, race & religion based Old Malaysia to a new forward thinking; corrupt free New Malaysia will take time.

And there is another time bomb ticking down – the uncertainty of policies & direction of Government once Anwar Ibrahim takes the rein from Dr M.

To be continued…

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