“If you forget the words to your own song, you can always claim artistic license. Forget the words to the national anthem and you’re screwed.” ~ Lyle Lovett

Looking at this video when it came out a couple of days ago, I thought that these are not Malaysians. From the looks of them, I thought they are probably from China attending some function in the country and by sheer ignorance; do not know the national anthem of the country. It is understandable if they choose not to stand up and respect the national anthem.
Read these first:-
It did not take long before they were caught for disrespecting the national anthem (Image source: Says):-
Seven individuals comprising a woman and six men pleaded not guilty in the Magistrate’s Court here Friday (Oct 11), to a charge of disrespecting the national anthem,”Negaraku“, on Sept 27.
The allegation against Andrew Chong, 33, Kon Tai Keong, 37, Leong Shaow Tung, 43, Bong Sak Sin, 44, Tan Kok Chiang and Pui Ping Ping, both 46, as well as Phang Ngin Pen, 64, is that they did not stand to attention while the “Negaraku” was played during a fundraising dinner, held at a hotel on Jalan Ban Hock on Sept 27, at 7.15pm.
They were charged under Section 8 of the National Anthem Act 1968 which carries a maximum penalty comprising a RM100 fine or imprisonment of one month.
Magistrate Zubaidah Sharkawi fixed Nov 11 for case management and allowed bail of RM1,000 with a surety, for each of the accused.
But I was shocked to then learn that these are not foreigners but rather Malaysians and this incident took place in Malaysia.
Well, it looked like these guys attracted trouble with the authorities with their own action of not respecting the national anthem and now when they are caught with their pants down & the police is now after them, they came out with this, probably dumbest excuse:-
Vocal pressure group Sarawak for Sarawakians (S4S) today explained a video clip of its members refusing to stand for the national anthem at a fundraising event last week, saying it was a silent protest to show their dissatisfaction over unfulfilled promises to the state.
S4S spokesman Peter John Jaban agreed, saying Negaraku is “not our anthem”.
Before we dive deep into their silly excuses, let’s see what is the etiquette and the penalty of disrespecting the national anthem. This is clearly prescribed under Section 8 of the National Anthem Act 1968:-
8.(1) Whenever the National Anthem is played or sung or whenever the abridged or short version is played all persons present shall stand to attention as a mark of respect except where the National Anthem is played or sung in the course of a broadcast or news-reels as part of such broadcast or news-reels.
(2) Any person who knowingly shows disrespect towards the National Anthem in any public place shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month
(3) For the purpose of this section failure to comply with subsection(1) without good and sufficient cause and any act or omission which would tend to lower the prestige of the National Anthem in the eyes of the public shall constitute a show of disrespect.
And what these guys do when the national anthem is played in the background?
They look lost and play their phones as if they are at the wrong place, wrong time. Now with their excuses, it looks like they are in the wrong country as well. You can be angry at the nonsense that happens in the country or at someone but not on the country itself.
It is a comedy watching their press meet – that they would have to stand up if the first song was Ibu Pertiwiku and not Negaraku, Sarawak contributed RM600 billion of oil revenue, blah, blah.
Did they also protested on their ex-Chief Minister (Sarawak Report: New MACC boss need to investigate Taib’s Family).
Wikipedia reported:-
Some American athletes have protested against police brutality and racism by kneeling during the U.S. national anthem. Since 2017, many players also began protesting against President Donald Trump’s criticisms of those involved in the protest as well as against Trump’s policies since taking office.
Some observers have described the protests as politically motivated or patriotic, while others have criticized the attention to social issues during sporting events, and others have called the protests unpatriotic or disrespectful.
Is this the same with the protest in Malaysia?
If you see how the Americans protest during the national anthem, there is a difference in how the protest is done. There is no sign of being disrespectful. They are after all on their knees. They are not sitting down rather arrogantly and play with their phones whilst the national anthem is playing in the background. No one is commenting that the US national anthem is not “our anthem”.
What’s next in their line of protest? Disrespecting the Malaysian flag because the Jalur Gemilang is not “their” flag?
Where these guys have been since the federation of Malaysia was created back in 1963 and the Negaraku has been as the national anthem of Malaysia since then? What anthem did athletics from the state of Sarawak stand up for when they win any international tournaments – Negaraku or State anthem?
And silent protest to show their dissatisfaction over unfulfilled promises to the state seems to be just another silly excuse – a mere afterthought at the most.
There is a BIG difference between respecting the national emblems & identity and respecting politicians who make empty promises. You cannot use one with another – just because politicians play politics and held back their promises, it does not give you the right to disrespect the country. No Malaysians worth their salt would do that.
Basically these so-called protestors have been nothing but stupid, disrespectful and rude and they need to be taught a lesson where they will never forget. It may just knock some sense into them and ensure they will not ever disrespect the national identities no matter how valid or silly their excuses may be.