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Governance 101

Anything to do with Ideals, Customer Service, Governance, Government, Politics and Enforcement

United Malaysia 101: Race Based Short Sighted Resolutions

Tamil school race MIC

(If we can unite all races in one school with standard and forward-thinking education system from the 1950s, then why we cannot maintain one school for all races now? Image source: The National Archives UK)

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Governance 101: The Hard Case for Biometrics vs Indelible Ink

indelible ink election

(Showing the middle finger to ? Image source:

UPDATE: Read here and here for interesting readers’ comments – an interesting link on how the introduction of biometrics instead of indelible ink could mean millions in revenue for those will be supplying the whole package and why it is not worth the investment in the first place.

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Governance 101: Yes, It’s A Suicide Verdict But….

teoh beng hock MACC suicide

(So, this was “ due to guilt feeling” back then but with a twist now – it is driven to suicide by aggressive . No matter how we look at it, should not be in the first place – it is a tragic loss and failure by to conduct its business in the right way)

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Elections 101: Has Bersih 2.0’s Reform Cause Torpedoed?

Bersih 2.0 rally election protest

(The famed stand-off between the peaceful 2.0 protestors and police who bend on breaking up the rally at whatever the cost. Poster source: Mob’s Crib)

Ya, ya still on Bersih 2.0 rally but this is the last one, I promise.

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Elections 101: Bersih 2.0, The Paranoia Had Started

Bersih 2.0 rally election protest

With the Bersih rally to be held soon, I guess one becomes very paranoid all over when one enters the Home Ministry. But with 2.0, it has gone beyond the realms of paranoia to an extent where wearing certain coloured T-shirts could get you arrested.

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Elections 101: Bersih 2.0 – The Simple Demands

Bersih 2.0 rally election protest

Lately, one that has been quite hot in the news recently is the 2.0 rally scheduled on 9th July 2011. I have been busy with an assignment lately and I have been travelling too but as much as possible, I do try to keep abreast with the latest news at home.

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Elections 101: Sarawak State Elections, The Outcome

Abdul Taib bin Mahmud Chief Minister Elections Sarawak
Taib Mahmud at helms again but Pakatan had some good gains as well. Image via Wikipedia

Personally, the final outcome of the Sarawak election was kind of disappointing though – it would have been nice if the had denied the two-third majority and put the ruling under a microscope but still it was a good run for the oppositions.

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Elections 101: Sarawak State Elections, The Spins

sarawak election

(Taib Mahmud and his unexplained growth in wealth is the focus of the in Sarawak State . It will be difficult for & BN to justify Taib continuing his hold on the powers in . More so after hard evidence of native land grab – estimated 70,000 hectares, an area which is larger than Singapore and luxury properties abroad under Taib and Taib’s family members starts to emerge. Image source:

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New Malaysia 101: Positive Case for PR’s 100 Days Plan

PR Pakatan Rakyat Harapan Malaysia

(Pakatan Rakyat or simply known as PR is making its case to the general public that it can make a positive difference if it becomes the Government but we need a more convincing case. Image source:

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Blogging 101: News Snippets As At 22 December 2010

bus death malaysia cameron highlands snippet

(News snippet – 27 people died but what caused the accident is yet to be confirmed, at least by the right people but already fingers being pointed at the driver and the bus whilst the bodies of the dead Thai tourists being sent home. Image source:

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