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Religion 101

Anything to do with religion, morality, belief and God

Religion 101: An Uplifting Journey Of An Agnostic Atheist

pray science covid19 pandemic outbreak

(A simple question – in light of COVID19 pandemic on the loose on a global scale, when was the last time you saw or religious miracle workers healed an infected patient? In the end, it is modern , medical advances and a good dose of common sense that prevailed. Image source: Facebook)

Well, I am not sure if there is a term called an atheist when it comes to religion & beliefs. Anyway, when one talks about religion or their beliefs, it has always been my personal contention that it should be something personal – just between you and the Al-Mighty and such beliefs should not be forced onto others.

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Oxford Union Society 2012: Dr Michael Shermer – God Does Not Exist


In a world that is facing a major pandemic, is there a bigger, more credible reason why many of us cannot see or hear or experience ? Image source: Pinterest

Being locked up in the house due to the lock down since 18th March 2020 except for that few occasions when I venture out to buy the essential groceries, on my free time when I am not working or tied up with house chores, I found myself on the watching university debates, technical speeches, watching 1950s & 1960s movies, attending virtual concerts (like this gem), learning CSS & tweaking my blog site (noticed the changes?), cracking my mind for the next blog posts and rediscovering my love for chess (now that my daughter is picking up the game, she is looking for stronger opponents).

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Religion 101: David Wood Failing Down Zakir Naik’s Points

Continuing from this post, this came out 3 years ago back in 2016 by (interestingly is the point 3 in his video):-

From Wikipedia:-

David Wood is American evangelical missionary. Wood has participated in numerous public debates with Muslims and ,usually in a public hall or in front of a university audience including debates with Sunni Muslim apologist Shabir Ally.

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Religion 101: Sadhguru and Zakir Naik Compared

Sadhguru – “We don’t need more Hindus, more Christians, or more Muslims – we need more Buddhas, more Jesuses, and more Krishnas – then there will be true change. Every being has that inner potential”

Read These First:-


(All the characteristics of a and more – has it all but he is also practical and a man who uses as means to the end. He explains the basic of science & the impact clearer to a layman than in a science book – Image Source: Quora)

I have been following up with the teaching & speeches of Sadhguru in the past few years, not because he talks about alone – most of the times he doesn’t even mention Hinduism – but rather he is one of the first Yogi who spoke more sense and does not shy away from the real issues that confront the world today – economy disparity, the abuse of power and worsening of the environment and the impact on humans.

Yes at the same time, he infuses the teachings and way of life as a Hindu in his talks but it is done very implicitly in forms of the laws of the universe, yoga, and morality.

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BMF: Boycott This Instead!

Read These First:-


(A notice is posted at a retail outlet in Seoul on July 12, 2019, stating that it is neither selling nor buying Japanese . A campaign of Japanese goods is spreading in response to Japan’s recent curbs on exports of key chemicals to South Korean semiconductor and display manufacturers. Image Source: Yonhap News Agency)

In recent days, this has been a hot topic on the news – there has been a campaign for Muslims to boycott products made by non Muslims (it has mellowed down to Buy Products First).

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Religion 101: Wrong Moves in the Name of Religion Part 1


(Personally I am not a true blue atheist but then again, religion for me is something personal between me and the Supreme Being and not to be imposed forcibly to anyone else. Quote source:

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General 101: Yup, It’s Getting Weirder & Dumb


(Some things are not like the way people like to park their cars, it is just a result of people not taking the time and care to do the right things)

It is getting weird, it must be the insane weather, I am very sure – it has been raining cats & dogs for past weeks and yet it feels like one is sitting in a sauna at night. My daughter fared worse, despite having 2 fans and occasionally the air-conditioner switched on, she was sweating like she had just done a 10 km marathon.

Or perhaps it is something we have been drinking (or sniffing), I don’t know. Perhaps it was due to our overzealous with being the righteous one that some of us can see the end is near. Whatever the reason maybe, things are just getting weirder in this country.

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Religion 101: Upholding Dharma As Way of Positive Life

buddha dharma religion hindu hinduism

It is a short post for this week but upholding is something that our country (and its good citizen) have been lacking in some areas and should be revisited. It is also something that I have been pondering on a personal basis. Image source: Photo by Emily KenCairn of Apiary Studio on Unsplash

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The Malaysian Fight Against Crime


(When it comes to crime, it always pays to have another set of eyes on the street for catch criminals in their act. The role of CCTVs in prevention of crime cannot be dismissed – it works 24 by 7 and 365 days without taking rest and it is impartial too. Infographic source:

The month April proving to be an interesting month for me

We have walked into the age of GST and the night before was rather comical – I saw a family piling up their grocery items onto the trolley to the brim. Didn’t they know that naturally there will be some items which will see the price going down with GST and there will be some with increased price?

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Religion 101: Hudud – Can We Prioritise on Real Issues?


(Which is more critical and urgent to the rakyat in Kelantan – tabling of a new Islamic law that overlaps & duplicates the existing convention laws or reconstruction of homes & lives of people involved in the worst natural disaster that the country have seen? It is not an issue of or sedition but rather an issue of priorities. Source: The Malaysian Insider)

The real question is whether we are prioritizing the right things in this country.

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Religion 101: Direction of a Nation Part 1


(What is the right direction for a nation – strive on & or push the indoctrination of .Map source: Where People Trust Religion More Than Science)

Sometimes when you see what happens around the world and see how much mankind have moved forward since, since I don’t know – perhaps since he climbed down from the trees and learned to walk on his own 2 feet hundred thousands of years ago, you get this amazing, proud happy feeling.

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