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MH17 Tragedy 2014: The Final Goodbye For The Departed Part 2


I thought the Dutch had served justice to the victims of the MH17 crash and nothing will top that off but I was wrong. (Image source: Astro)

The Malaysian Government (yes Najib does look sad this time) may have copied what the Dutch have done but it was worth the final send-off & respect before the bodies were passed back to their families for the final goodbyes.… [Click to read the rest] “MH17 Tragedy 2014: The Final Goodbye For The Departed Part 2”

Technology 101: Unsecured Website Astro Now Secured

astro website security

(Validation through email, SMS and PIN number – I really did not expect that from Astro after the earlier snub but then again, it is a welcome change)

A couple of years ago, I highlighted just how unsecured some of the popular websites are and one of them was Astro. I did write to them officially but the response was lukewarm (almost patronizing from the webmasters).

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