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Overseas Assignment 2007: Closed Call In Bangkok

Bangkok Toll Accident

I am off again for another – first flying to Bangkok and then returning to Malaysia for half daybreak and then flying off to Kabul again (last minute notice). I love flying but this marathon is a bit too much for me to handle and without much rest too. Hopefully, I can make it in time for Deepavali.

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Overseas Assignment 2007: Flying into Dangerous Kabul Again?


This is what was going in my mind now as I am sitting in my office on a Saturday night, pondering over an issue that my colleague in Kabul have just sent me over the email. Image source: Politico Magazine

The matter was not on the issue but more disturbing was another email  – from the client’s CEO to my big boss requesting me to be assigned to to help out on the system. Flattering I must say that the client’s CEO added the word “competent staff” but as much as I wanted to go, there are other factors running through my mine now.

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Working Late Again

It was Day 13 in (read further what I meant by “was”)

I was typing this at…hold on (checking the clock at the office wall)…2.00 in the morning. There are about 10 of us here (including the security guard who looks a bit surprised at the high number of half-asleep Malaysians at this time of the hour), holed up in the office as we are preparing to cut to live the system that is being implemented.

[Click to read the rest] “Working Late Again”

The visit to flea market in Chatuchak

A visit to is not complete without a trip to the famous flea market in Chatuchak. So, when we had the day off on last Sunday, our immediate plan was to go to Chatuchak. We took the to Silom Road, made a short trip to Bangkok Bank’s Foreign Currency counter (opened 7 days a week) to exchange for some Thai Bahts and walked to the nearest BTS station at Sala Daeng.… [Click to read the rest] “The visit to flea market in Chatuchak”

Sweet Bangkok Taxi

Day 8 in BangkokYou may have heard of Hanzel & Gretel story but have you ever wondered that a house made of & candies can come in other forms too?

We saw one in . We finished work late, dropped by KFC along the busy Silom Street (Bangkok’s equivalent to New York’s Wall Street) to “tapau” our dinner and flagged down a cab for the ride back to our .

[Click to read the rest] “Sweet Bangkok Taxi”

Malaysia Boleh! – Wherever you are

Day 5 in

Working on an assignment can be very tiring and challenging. There is a feeling to get the work done professionally and expediently. After all reputations are on the line – personal, company or country.

But sometimes, we see something that is Malaysian in nature in a foreign country…whether it is about seeing a Proton Wira in Africa or seeing another Malaysian speaking the Bahasa Kebangsaan in Middle-East, our spirits are up and running.

[Click to read the rest] “Malaysia Boleh! – Wherever you are”

A Thai Affair

(Mind having your feet massaged by professionals? Picture source:

Thai = Mother (in Tamil)
= Mother Land (secret code used by my friends whenever they are going for a trip up North)

It was a lazy Saturday morning when I decided to go and catch a movie with my wife.
[Click to read the rest] “A Thai Affair”