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Car Maintenance

Know Your Car Basis 101: OSREN Awesome Car Care Products Review

OSREN Car Wash Care

Before we start, let me state the obvious disclaimer – this post on car care products is not endorsed or paid for by OSREN but rather I feel that it is best that others also be aware of this homegrown product. The choice of car care products actually a crucial part when you are washing your beloved vehicle instead of leaving it in the hands of foreign workers who use damaging products like household detergents and wash unprofessionally. Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

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Know Your Car Basics 101: 4 Things I Learned On Car Maintenance


The breakdown of Tesla car components, do you know the components of your car and what it takes to maintain them in good working order? Image source:

When it comes to car maintenance or car service, most of us would be glad to hand over the keys to our mechanics. We would then proceed to the air-conditioned and get busy on our phones (or go off for shopping or home) until the service center customer rep calls to inform that the car have been serviced and we can collect the car.

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Know Your Car Basics 101: 5 Factors In Car Tires Maintenance

tire sidewall car

It is sad but many do not know how to take care of their car tires (and battery and engine and etc). Improper tire inflation not only cause high consumption of fuel (a big issue here) and increase the wear & tear of the tires but it also can be very dangerous as it affects the traction control, grip and braking.

Read More »Know Your Car Basics 101: 5 Factors In Car Tires Maintenance