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History 101: The Famous Babylon, Most Hated City In The Bible?

Robert Cargill Babylon Ancient Civilsation

I would highly recommend my current read, The Cities That Built The Bible by Robert R. Cargill who is an Assistant Professor of Classics and Religious Studies at the University of Iowa irrespective of whether you are a or not as it looks at the various cities such as that were mentioned in the Bible from an archaeological standpoint of view and how ancient rituals, wars and even Gods have somehow formed the contents and narration of the Bible. Image source: Perlego

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Blogging 101: News Snippets As At 28 April 2021

snippet professor kamarul zaman yusoff Mahathir Shah Alam Dr M

News – Still remember this so-called Professor Kamarul Zaman who in 2018 was one of three panellists and was criticising and stressing why should not be a Prime Minister.

It was reported that the Professor wetted himself (which the Professor strongly denies) when Dr M gatecrashed the Shah Alam event and posted on Twitter “I am here guys. Say it to my face.” Well, he is back with wild allegations of veiled religious conversion by using charity. Image source: Malaysiakini.

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Religion 101: Religion Rumours, Here We Go Again!

I really wonder whether we will ever cross the finishing line to be a developed country if highly political, and seditious matters are played on public grounds on regular basis, turning one Malaysian against another based on hearsays, political hidden agendas and highly charged emotions.


(It is ok to fight for one’s religion and beliefs but it should be a fight for the betterment of mankind and not be used for political means. Image source:

It used to be the crosses on some cookies or the logo on a famed football club or “” names on some schools.

Read More »Religion 101: Religion Rumours, Here We Go Again!