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History 101: Marshal Of France – Hubert Lyautey The French Empire Builder

French Foreign Legion Louis Hubert Gonzalve Lyautey Morocco

One of the best books that I bought in the last Big Bad Wolf Book Sales was called “Our Friends Beneath the Sands: The French Foreign Legion in France’s Colonial Conquests 1870-1935” which focuses on the French Foreign Legion’s participation in Algeria, Vietnam (back then Indochina), Madagascar and Morocco. Image source: Amazon.

Read More »History 101: Marshal Of France – Hubert Lyautey The French Empire Builder

Highway 101: Encountering Reckless Livina Drivers

livina highway

(All whites Livinas on the highway! At first, we thought it was a new way of delivering new vehicles to their customers – some beautifully modified told us it was not but putting themselves and other road users in great danger)

Read More »Highway 101: Encountering Reckless Livina Drivers