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Kota Bahru Rush 2011: Craziest Thing 2011 – Part 1

kota bahru kelantan malaysia map

(The drive up north to Kota Bahru and back home within the same day would be one of the craziest things I have done for the year 2011. Map source: Google Map)

Confucius says a of a thousand mile starts with a single step. Our journey of a thousand kilometres (well almost) started with the question – can we drive all the way from KL to Kota Bahru and return on the same day?

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Kota Bahru Rush 2011: Craziest Thing 2011 – A Prelude

Kelantan Craziest TripSomething before I start the

The last time I saw an impromptu decision in action was when my Dad decided to take us to when I was still small. We were at home at one moment and suddenly a couple of minutes; we were on the way to Morib where I saw the sea for the first time in my life.… [Click to read the rest] “Kota Bahru Rush 2011: Craziest Thing 2011 – A Prelude”