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Military 101: The Evolution Of The Powerful Naval Guns

Naval Gun Navy Military Weapon British

The 4-inch twin MK XIX Mounting Naval Gun was a British low-velocity naval gun, primarily used during World War II. Designed for dual-purpose use, it was mounted on small warships such as corvettes and frigates, mainly for anti-submarine warfare and limited anti-aircraft defense. The gun fired a 35-pound shell and had a maximum range of approximately 9,700 yards at an elevation of +40°. Image source: Wikimedia

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Farming 101: Precision & Smart Farming – Part 2: Lessons from Singapore (Videos)

Singapore Food Import Security Smart Farming

Never put all your eggs in one basket so they say and for a small island country like Singapore, food security goes beyond the ability to feed its people but also impacts their national security. This is why Singapore ensures that its food source is not limited to only 1 to 2 countries. Eggs, for instance, are sourced from almost 11 countries although probably Malaysia would be the largest exporter of eggs to Singapore. Infographic source: Mothership

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Religion 101: Oh No, Darwin Been Banned in Malaysia


(Book on Darwin is banned in Malaysia. What is the criteria to ban a book? What constitutes a great endangerment of public harmony? It gets rather ugly when a book is banned just because it goes against one’s personal values and beliefs. Cartoon source:

Still, saying that the implementation of hudud will not impact the non-Muslims? Well, think again.

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