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Federal Government

General Elections 2022: Pakatan’s Action Plan – Positive & Direct Part 2

Pakatan Harapan Action Plan Election 2022 Manifesto

This will be the concluding post on Pakatan Harapan’s list of the action plans that Pakatan promises to make once Pakatan takes over the rein of the Federal Government. Please run through Part 1 of Pakatan Harapan’s list of action plans. Image source: Kita Boleh.

Read More »General Elections 2022: Pakatan’s Action Plan – Positive & Direct Part 2

General Elections 2022: Pakatan’s Action Plan – Positive & Direct Part 1

Pakatan Harapan Action Plan Election 2022 Manifesto

Pakatan Harapan has come up with very thoughtful and well-researched action plans in place of the election manifesto and with people like Razifi Ramli behind the drive, it is highly that these action plans will not be half-cooked, unrealistic promises by the previous Pakatan Harapan Government under Dr. M. Image source: Kita Boleh

Read More »General Elections 2022: Pakatan’s Action Plan – Positive & Direct Part 1

Budget 2023: Why We Are Not Addressing Financial Leakages & Wastages?

National Budget Malaysia Economy Deficit

Malaysia always had a deficit national budget where The Government had always spent more than what it can collect except for the so-called golden years between 1993 to 1997 when the budget recorded a surplus and also low deficit budgets in between. Image source: Trading Economics.

Read More »Budget 2023: Why We Are Not Addressing Financial Leakages & Wastages?