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Governance 101: Seriously, It’s Only Common Sense, Right?

Common Sense

(It is common sense that petrol stations have plenty of flammable fuel, so imagine seeing a fire at the petrol station. Now imagine if you are next to it or worst, you and your love ones in the inferno. Image source:

You probably have seen the above sign at your nearest but you probably acted like an idiot and ignored it anyway.

Read More »Governance 101: Seriously, It’s Only Common Sense, Right?

Economy 101: Kiasu Noises from Singaporeans On Fuel Price

Noise RON95 RON97 Petrol Station Shell Fuel Singaporean

(It is a mystery when Singaporeans make noise on the price of RON95 when it is still cheaper for them to buy the more expensive RON97 fuel. Image source: SVmongk, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

Read More »Economy 101: Kiasu Noises from Singaporeans On Fuel Price

Overseas Assignment 2009: Bored Trip to Brunei – Part 2: Starting Work

Brunei Chicken Curry Food

Despite being a hardcore Islamic country, the Government is quite tolerant of restaurants serving pork dishes. This is because of the sizeable Chinese community in Brunei which makes it easy to get a good dish of Bakuteh. So when I had a chance to switch to the good old chicken curry, it was a welcomed dish.

Read More »Overseas Assignment 2009: Bored Trip to Brunei – Part 2: Starting Work

Fuel Price Increase: 30 Cents Up, It Is Time To Do A Budget


(A sample of my very crude but effective dashboard template in format – of course, I have multiple sheets for daily input of expenses and consolidation by months. The consolidation by month is more for the yearly income tax reporting)

Is this sound very familiar to you?

You received your salary on the dot and based on a rough calculation (some use only their 10 fingers), deducting estimated expenses for the month (it was food, beer and transportation for me), you gather that there is a surplus of almost RM1,000 (I know RM1,000 is bloody lot for some.… [Click to read the rest] “Fuel Price Increase: 30 Cents Up, It Is Time To Do A Budget”

Economy 101: 30 Cents Fuel Price Increase – Time to Boycott Some Restaurants

restaurant price increase

When the announcement on the fuel price was made, the near my work place lost not time increasing the food prices.

It cost us more now for breakfast and lunch at this restaurant now  – teh tarik went up from RM1.00 to RM1.20, burger up by another 20 cents and roti canai up by another 10 cents.… [Click to read the rest] “Economy 101: 30 Cents Fuel Price Increase – Time to Boycott Some Restaurants”

The day I ignored my own judgement!

(Imagine seeing this the whole time when driving and was not wise enough to pull over and fill it up. That is being foolish indeed. Picture source:

These days I fill my car tank full…I am not sure why. Perhaps it was due to the increase in the price of petrol or it was the convenience of filling it once (rather than several times).
[Click to read the rest] “The day I ignored my own judgement!”