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Fuel Price

Economy 101: Wastage of Taxpayers Money, The Denials

taxpayers matrix no spoon

(Still, remember the “no spoon” scene in The Matrix? Do you understand the meaning of the scene? I had always thought of it as something not real and yet you see it with your own eyes. Same goes for of taxpayers . Image source: Matrix Fans)

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Economy 101: Kiasu Noises from Singaporeans On Fuel Price

Noise RON95 RON97 Petrol Station Shell Fuel Singaporean

(It is a mystery when Singaporeans make noise on the price of RON95 when it is still cheaper for them to buy the more expensive RON97 fuel. Image source: SVmongk, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

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Economy 101: Taxing Petrol Subsidy Gone But…

Petrol Station Subsidy Malaysia

A long, long time ago, when the petrol price was increased, one “work-with-me” PM vowed to use the RM4 billion saved on petrol on the development of public transportation. Photo by sergio souza from Pexels

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Environment 101: Exploring Alternate Energy Source in Malaysia

home solar environment green energy

I was reading an article on how solar energy panels on the orbiting space station power the cooling systems. I was wondering why we can’t do the same thing in Malaysia. After all, sunshine is abundant in Malaysia and an air-conditioner (or simple ceiling fan) needs power. Image source:

Why can’t we match the two and have a cheaper power source at our disposal?

Read More »Environment 101: Exploring Alternate Energy Source in Malaysia

Economy 101: 30 Cents Fuel Price Increase – Time to Boycott Some Restaurants

restaurant price increase

When the announcement on the fuel price was made, the near my work place lost not time increasing the food prices.

It cost us more now for breakfast and lunch at this restaurant now  – teh tarik went up from RM1.00 to RM1.20, burger up by another 20 cents and roti canai up by another 10 cents.… [Click to read the rest] “Economy 101: 30 Cents Fuel Price Increase – Time to Boycott Some Restaurants”

What’s with the 30 cents increase?

30 cents

(Are we driving the right car to be concerned with 30 cents increase in price? Cartoon source: and copyright by John Fewings)

I heard about the so called “covert” increase in when I was still in Bangkok. It hit me hard when I returned to and found the plain mee goreng at my favorite joint has gone up by 20 cents at the stroke of midnight!… [Click to read the rest] “What’s with the 30 cents increase?”