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Kelantan PAS

Environment 101: Clueless Kelantan PAS & Humourless Water Resource Management

Water Treatment Nature Kelantan

The State of Kelantan seems to be having a huge problem converting raw river water into clean water to end consumers that meet international standards. However, this is not a question of luxury but a necessity given the demands of the growing population. It is a basic need of everyone. This is why it is very important to plan & manage these natural resources well.

Image source: Ahmed, Minhaz & Mokhtar, Mazlin & Alam, Lubna & Mohamed, Che Abd Rahim & Choo Ta, Goh. (2019). Non-carcinogenic Risk Assessment of Aluminium Ingestion Via in Malaysia. Exposure and Health. 11. 10.1007/s12403-019-00297-w.

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