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Parenting 101: When Bored Kids Turned To Master Bakers

baking brownies kids lockdown cake cooking

(The sweet end results for the at when little master chefs at home decide to use their free time at home and instead start using their baking skills) 

One of the biggest challenges that we as parents have during this pandemic and the schools closed is on keeping our kids occupied with something productive and something new so that they don’t get bored. Otherwise, they will opt for something that is not productive namely watching TV the whole day or on their phones playing games.

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Human Relationship 101: The Beautiful Malak Who Stole Our Cold Hearts

malak iraq ISIS war zone refugee children

This story of a young girl named whose father and mother had died tragically is indeed has been an eye-opener on the plight of innocent refugee children in the many zones around the . The situation around the world is now even more precarious with the COVID19 pandemic which also saw the reduction of travel and aid. Image source: Preemptive Love

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Parenting 101: Avoid Dark Side of Parenting

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(What young children really need is a strong, supportive and loving parents. Image source:

Another innocent life taken away all because of sheer recklessness:-

A four-year-old boy died after being left inside his father’s car at the parking lot of SM Kuala Nerang about 45km from Alor Setar.

[Click to read the rest] “Parenting 101: Avoid Dark Side of Parenting”

Childhood Memories: Part 25 – My First And Only Precious Bicycle

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(Long before mountain bicycles, you still remember the BMX madness in the 1990s? Back then I did not know BMX stood for bicycle motocross, instead, I thought it was a brand. I think there should be a rule that all kids should be able to ride a bicycle at least one point of childhood life. Image source:

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Parenting 101: Dangers From Morons At the Playground

playground children parenting swing

(There is a bloody good reason why it is called children playground instead of fat bum adult’s playground. Image source:

Last weekend, I had a damn good workout!

After a long gap, I had a good badminton session with one of the toughest opponent around – my son. Compared to last time, he can now serve and return some of my hits but conditions have to be just right – easy, slow, high shuttlecock. I don’t remember bending down to pick up the shuttlecock that many times in any of the games that I have played before but I did not mind, it was a good workout to reduce the tummy size, so my wife says.

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Travelling 101: 8 Things You Hate To See In A Flight

cambodia cabin MAS flight

I have a fair deal of flying especially in the last 3 years and I have come across many types of characters in the . Some are good, some are so-so ok to fly and some simply to say not deserve to be flying at all. There are some things that I really hate to see in my flight.

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