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Malaysia in Turmoil 2020: The King Have Decided But Questions Arises


Well, it is kind of a closure for Malaysia that the King had decided that Bersatu’s Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has the highest support and thus will be the next Prime Minister. The last minute show of support for Dr Mahathir for PM from the MPs including rebels like Baru Bian may just be too late. Image source: Al Jazeera

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Malaysia 2018: A Strong Case for Tommy Thomas as the next AG

Tommy Thomas Attorney General Legal AG

(After the major screw-up and yet to accept the reality of things, the guy on the left does not have enough trust and credibility to continue to be the AG i.e. the Attorney General. The country needs a change – a drastic change that it. Image source: Free Malaysia Today)

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Politics 101: Quote of the Day: Beloved Statesman

Mikhail Gorbachev Soviet Union Communist Statesman Politician

“What is the difference between a statesman and a politician? A statesman does what he believes is best for his country, a politician does what best gets him re-elected” so said the last leader of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev. Image source: The Economist

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National Unity 101: Malaysia’s Chicken & Egg Story

unity malaysia race

(Long before the illusive 1Malaysia came along, Malaysia has already been a multi-racial, multicultural country. We had our differences but we don’t see our fellow Malaysians as threats. Image source:

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Malaysian Politics 101: Samy Vellu And MIC, Above Shadow of Doubt!

It looks a case of Samy Vellu = MIC or rather MIC = Samy Vellu, forever and ever…

samy vellu

(Read my lips – I will resign if my No 2 man is ready. Image source:

Not a big fan of the ‘self claiming representatives’ of the Indian community (a mirage that was scattered by the Hindraf rallies) but recent developments in calling the MIC supremo to stand down has been nothing but comical.

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