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Gaming 101: Airline Manager 4 – Classic Way Of Managing Brand New Airline

Airline Manager 4

Airline Manager 4 or AM4 is rather a simple managerial simulation game and yet it is addictive in a strange way. Simulation games that require planning, strategic moves and an eye on income and expenses had always synced with my interest in project management. Image source: AM4 Game Site

One of them is Sim City which puts the player in the seat of the mayor of a major city and another is FA Club Manager which puts the player in the seat of an English League football manager.

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Recycling 101: Why We Are Not Segregating Our Waste in Malaysia?

waste segregation environment garbage recycling

In 2015 the Government made it mandatory for residents to separate their waste at the source and I was happy that finally something concrete being done on the manner our garbage is being processed.

After all, we have not gone big by going with recycling on a wider scale coupled with a greater push towards protecting the environment. Image source: Ministry of Housing & Local Government.

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Project Management 101: Camp Bastion: Deconstructing A Formidable Fortress

camp bastion project management military base afghanistan

For those project managers out there, this is an interesting case study of deconstructing Camp Bastion (now known as Camp Shorabak) which was the key British and American forces base in the province of Helmand, Afghanistan and was constructed in several phases starting from 2005 and was formally handed over to the Afghan forces on 26th October 2014. Image source: BBC

Read More »Project Management 101: Camp Bastion: Deconstructing A Formidable Fortress