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Malaysian Government 2022: Unity Govt Cabinet – Mixed, Not the Best but Unavoidable

Anwar Ibrahim Government Cabinet 2022 Pakatan Harapan

Before anyone goes and criticizes Pakatan Harapan for names shortlisted for Anwar’s Cabinet, one needs to remember that this is not the Pakatan Harapan Government but is a unity government that Pakatan Harapan is forced to join to avoid Perikatan Nasional becoming the next Government. Image source: Twitter.

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Elections 101: Can Pakatan Harapan Attract Young Dynamic UNDI18 Voters?

Malaysia Pakatan Harapan 2018 Elections

It is expected that the country will see an additional 5.8 million new voters in the next general elections and all political parties including Pakatan Harapan will be looking forward to these new voters voting for them. Image source: NST

However, be very mindful that the young voters are more tech-savvy, educated, well aware of the constraints & abuses of race and religion in their future development and are indeed quite concerned about the direction of the nation. The question is how attractive the current political parties are to these new voters.

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Governance 101: Please Enforce Timah Intelligence Benchmark for Local Politicians

Stephen Hawking Scientist Intelligence Space

The great English physicist, Stephen Hawking who also wrote the groundbreaking A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes was quoted to say that intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. Unfortunately, when it comes to politicians, this is one skill that most of them have but do not use it. Image source: Vanity Fair

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