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Najib Razak

Ending The Year 2014 On A Positive Note!

2014 najib golf

(Not everyone can be the PM – very, very hard at “work” overseas in 2014. Some had said that there is nothing wrong for a leader to take a break. Well, that is correct but not when the country is seeing one of the worst floods around. The big mamma still on holiday, its so seems – no one had seen her wading through the high water in downtown Kota Bahru. Image source)

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MH17 Tragedy 2014: The Final Goodbye For The Departed Part 2


I thought the Dutch had served justice to the victims of the MH17 crash and nothing will top that off but I was wrong. (Image source: Astro)

The Malaysian Government (yes Najib does look sad this time) may have copied what the Dutch have done but it was worth the final send-off & respect before the bodies were passed back to their families for the final goodbyes.… [Click to read the rest] “MH17 Tragedy 2014: The Final Goodbye For The Departed Part 2”

MH370: Oh Wait! Listen to This!

(Presenting the Prime Ministerrrrrr, no Najib is the PM, oh well, presenting the First Lady of Malaysiaaaa, errr no as well, the Queen is the First Lady of Malaysia…oh never mind. The fact is this is a very very touching moment indeed but it is an overkill to overdo it. Image source: The Star)

Hmmm, you noticed something?

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