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National Security 2020: Pondering Why Rohingyas Are Hated In Myanmar – Part 1 of 4

Rohingya Refugee Countries

Rohingya refugee crisis is a well known global crisis and other than Bangladesh who presently bears the majority of the refugees, others including Malaysia have taken them in and provided safe haven until the situation in Myanmar improves. The fact remains that these refugees must go back home in the end before they become a national threat to others. Infographic source: Anadolu Agency

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National Security 2020: Recent Intrusion of Chinese ships in Malaysian Waters


(The potential flashpoint for the next regional war is in the South China Sea where in recent years, the Chinese Government has been very aggressively building naval bases complete with missile launch silos, gun emplacements, radar stations, communications towers, runways for heavy bombers and helipads. Photo source: The Sun UK)

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Recently the Chinese Government sent 8 doctors to assist our Ministry of Health on the war to contain and improve the recovery from COVID-19 infections. Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah on April 10 said a team of medical professionals from China would be in Malaysia to lend a helping hand and look at the performance of Malaysia’s hospitals in handling the pandemic.

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