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Night Safari

Taiping Trips 101: Black Panther! Courting Danger with One in Taiping!


(Back in Taiping Zoo, I can be standing next to a big “hungry-looking” panther – so close that I could easily put my fingers in and touch the animal. I did not try my luck. The good thing was the panthers were behind a cage and the cats have just been fed, phew! Image Source: Wikipedia)

I had been planning to take my son to the for some time now.

He is now able to recognise the different types of animals from the TV shows (such as the Big Bird in Sesame Street) and we thought it would be good if he could see the animals in real (as long as he does not ask about Big Bird). The opportunity was there when we travelled back to for the holidays. We planned to take him to the Taiping Zoo – it will be my 2nd trip to the zoo.

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