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Economy 101: Seriously, What Drives The Big Economy?

Hadi Awang PAS Taliban PN Islamic Economy

Despite one can dismiss this as another dumb statement from the PAS leader where he openly says that the liberalisation of the capitalist-based economy & not an Islamic one is the root of the suffering of the people, the question is what makes or breaks the economy of the country like how it did in Venezuela? Image source: Malaysiakini/Twitter

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Blogging 101: Gaza Crisis, Local News & Other Snippets

Israel, Hamas, Palestinian, snippet

Snippet photo showing Palestinians inspecting the damage following an Israeli airstrike on the El-Remal area in Gaza City on October 9, 2023. Israel continued to battle Hamas fighters on October 10 and massed tens of thousands of troops and heavy armour around the Gaza Strip after vowing a massive blow over the Palestinian militants’ surprise attack. Photo by Naaman Omar apaimages

It has been more than a month and the battle between the Israeli military & Hamas in Gaza continues every day we are seeing more protests and casualties and definitely both sides are throwing their own facts & lies to influence global opinion on this crisis.

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Politics 101: Social Media War – Strong PH Need to Act Smarter

Fahmi Fadzil Shocked Press Conference Social Media

One of the most iconic images in social media of the newly minted Minister of Communication & Digital, YB Fahmi Fadzil was his surprised reaction when he got a call in the middle of a press conference telling him that the Prime Minister wants to see him now trigging some criticism on press conference protocols. Image source: Twitter.

Read More »Politics 101: Social Media War – Strong PH Need to Act Smarter