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National Security 101: Extradition Of Criminals Internationally

Extradition Hong Kong China Malaysia Law Indira Gandhi Muhammad Riduan Abdullah

There was a major protest on the extradition laws that Hong Kong legislation intends to pass which will make it possible to send suspects to mainland China for trial. It was eventually withdrawn after months-long of protests from the citizens. Image source: Australian Institute of International Affairs.

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Religion 101: Hudud – Can We Prioritise on Real Issues?


(Which is more critical and urgent to the rakyat in Kelantan – tabling of a new Islamic law that overlaps & duplicates the existing convention laws or reconstruction of homes & lives of people involved in the worst natural disaster that the country have seen? It is not an issue of religion or sedition but rather an issue of priorities. Source: The Malaysian Insider)

The real question is whether we are prioritizing the right things in this country.

Read More »Religion 101: Hudud – Can We Prioritise on Real Issues?

Crime Index 2013: Multiple Shootings in Malaysia


(The biggest headache related to crime for the nation at the moment – we have multiple shooting and hired killers on the loose. The next question is whether it is just a tip of the iceberg in the wave of crime confronting the country. Image source:

Read More »Crime Index 2013: Multiple Shootings in Malaysia