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Out of Modern Times: Dr M and Race Based Politics

(Countdown – 326 days to “doomsday”)

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(Race based policies are as just as bad and cruel as open segregation of society and citizens based on the colour of their skin seen here in an early 1930s photo. Image source:

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Governance 101: The Chinatown Instant White Knights

Chinatown Petaling Street

(The city’s own Chinatown is along with the tourist spot, Petaling Street. This was the place where I bought my first true SLR and this is also the place where we used to go for new clothes for Deepavali. Image source:

Read More »Governance 101: The Chinatown Instant White Knights

United Malaysia 101: Race Based Short Sighted Resolutions

Tamil school race MIC

(If we can unite all races in one school with standard and forward-thinking education system from the 1950s, then why we cannot maintain one school for all races now? Image source: The National Archives UK)

Read More »United Malaysia 101: Race Based Short Sighted Resolutions