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Religion 101: Understanding the 10 Types of Sins in Hindu Philosophy

Temple USA Religion Sins

In Hindu philosophy, the concept of sins, known as “paap,” plays a significant role in shaping one’s moral and ethical conduct. According to the Smritis, there are ten types of sins categorized into three groups. Image source: Merchant Circle

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Health 101: Best Ways to Start the Day Based on Indian Ancient Rituals

Indian Good Morning Sunrise

On the last trip to the bookstore, I had to hold of several Indian-related historical books (one is a history of Ashoka the Great with more than 1,000 pages) for a steal. The other is a book on the Ayurveda diet & medicine which has a great deal of food diet for multiple shows. Image source: Pexel / Elias Tigiser

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MH370: The Side Show

It is going to be a week since MH370 went missing and yet, we have not lost hope…

Whilst the whole world is anxiously waiting for any positive news for the missing MH370 and the relatives, friends and the Government of the missing passengers have strongly expressed their dissatisfaction with the sometimes contradictory and lack of information coming out from Malaysia, they are unfortunately had to deal with this:-

[youtube=]… [Click to read the rest] “MH370: The Side Show”

Religion 101: Playing Ignorance Of Law Is Not A Defence

Al Islam Religion Law Ignorance

(The magazine’s cocked up story was done after 2 Muslim reporters went undercover as Catholics and make a mockery of themselves, the notion of tolerance to other religions and fellow Malaysians and then claimed ignorance of the law. Image source: Nut Graph)

In law, there is a maxim that states “ignorance of the law is not a defence”

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