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Military 101: Turkish ADA Class Corvettes Dynamic Design Proposition for RMN

RMN Frigate KD Lekiu Jebat Navy Ship ADA class corvettes

Corvettes like the Turkish-made ADA class corvettes and frigates like the UK-made KD Lekiu above are both types of warships, but they have different sizes, armaments, and roles. Corvettes are smaller and designed for coastal defense and patrol missions. Frigates are larger, capable of operating in open waters, and often take on roles such as anti-submarine warfare and escort duties. Essentially, corvettes are suited for near-shore tasks, while frigates are equipped for more demanding, deep-water assignments. Image source: Wikipedia

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Military 101: Revisiting RMN’s Brilliant 15 to 5 Transformation Program

RMN Frigate KD Lekiu Jebat Navy Ship

RMN has a difficult mission to perform which is to protect Malaysia’s maritime interest and protect almost 4,700 kilometers of coastline from any unwanted intrusions. And yet, its fleet is insufficient and aging compared to a small country like Singapore where it only has a coastline of 200 kilometers to protect and has a very modern, capable fleet. Image source: Wikipedia

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Military 101: RMN’s Littoral Costal Ship Design – Big Differences Between Gowind & Sigma Class

RMN Frigate KD Lekiu Jebat Navy Ship

Presently KD Jebat and KD Lekiu are the most capable frigate ships in the Royal Malaysian Navy’s fleet with Exocet Block 2 SSM and Sea Wolf SAM and are due to be complemented by the new 6 Maharaja Lela class frigates under the Littoral Coastal Ship Program. Image source: Wikipedia

Read More »Military 101: RMN’s Littoral Costal Ship Design – Big Differences Between Gowind & Sigma Class