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Know Your Car Basics 101: Goodyear Ducaro GA, First Good Impressions

goodyear tire ducaro car

Goodyear Ducaro GA was a major improvement over the older Eagle GA. What a grip! That was my first impression of the Ducaro but then again, it has to be since the tires were brand new. Image source: Hawk Tayar

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Driving Skills 101: How to drive like a “Schumacher” in the rain?


(King of the rain – Schumacher is a specialist on slippery roads and very much in control in a very wet race. Image source: Youtube)

There is little doubt that Michael Schumacher is the king of the rain when it comes to Formula One. His very controlled style of driving has won him numerous races in the wet. Malaysia being in the tropics is no stranger to heavy thunderstorms. So, how does one drives like a Schumacher (Schumacher – in the sense of controlled driving, not racing)?

Read More »Driving Skills 101: How to drive like a “Schumacher” in the rain?