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Toll Charges

Technology 101: The Headache of Having Multiple e-Wallet Apps

e-wallet credit card banking bank online financial

In today’s world, one cannot escape from performing financial transactions through the internet, e-wallets or pre-paid cards. We have become a cashless society considering the high risk of carrying cash around and the ease of performing financial transactions using online and apps. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

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Extension of PLUS Concession to Year 2058: Doing the Maths

touch n go plus

I don’t use highways on daily basis but when it comes to taking week long drive to the in-laws house or going for holidays, we have no choice but to use PLUS highways for the trip up North or South (rarely we go off to the East Coast unless there are very important family functions or to do crazy thing like this trip). Image source: Compare

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Cost of Living 101: Toll Hike, A New Year Gift?

toll hike


Barely 5 years after the election, all the sweet talk and endless promises of reducing the toll are quickly forgotten and it was back to as usual. Image source: Omak Kau & Malaysian Insider

One need to be careful of the sweet talk before the elections – one good proof that one should never trust politicians who had become whiter than white, holier than the holiest man around when elections are around the corner.

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