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Touch N Go

Technology 101: The Headache of Having Multiple e-Wallet Apps

e-wallet credit card banking bank online financial

In today’s world, one cannot escape from performing financial transactions through the internet, e-wallets or pre-paid cards. We have become a cashless society considering the high risk of carrying cash around and the ease of performing financial transactions using online and apps. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

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Technology 101: Cashless Touch ‘n’ Go – Outdated and Must Go?

touch n go

Do you still remember the time before Touch ‘n’ Go was widely used for public transportation, parking and tolls? Image source: Compare

I still remember the days when I had to queue up at the bus companies’ counters to get my bus passes –sometimes more than one, depending on the year. KL, Klang & Port Klang Omnibus and SJ Kenderaan had their own dedicated counter for the bus passes – different colours for adults and school children (which is half of the price of the adult total fares). Toong Foong one was a bit different – you have got it from their office which was located near Puduraya where it is usually packed with bus conductors also queuing up to get their stacks of new bus tickets.

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Personal 101: Off To A Funeral Down South

Another , this time down south in JB…


(No matter what, remains where my heart and soul lies at the end of the day. And nothing kicks starts the notion than flying on the national carrier whilst having hot delicious nasi lemak for company)

Somehow it was great to fly back on – for a couple of things.

One, it was good to hear safety announcements in Bahasa Malaysia again. Two, they served nasi lemak for lunch which was a sure sign that we are heading back home. And one of the first things that I did once I am back home was to catch up on my sleep. I could not help it – I even doze off whilst I was having conversations. Having a weekend and then thereafter the CNY holidays was just perfect to catch up on a break.

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