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Technology 101: Breaking Down The Bad Facts On MySejahtera App

COVID19 vaccination movenpick malaysia MySejahtera

One of the positive outcomes of the COVID19 pandemic is the development and improvement of pandemic management from rolling out of the vaccines, quarantine procedures and close contact tracing using the MySejahtera app.

And thanks to these action plans, our medical front-liners were not overwhelmed by the number of severe cases and we were able to recover from strict lockdowns and a high number of cases.

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Outbreak 2022: Finally Getting Infected With Deadly COVID19 Virus

COVID19 Political Gathering

I always find it illogical for politicians to organise large political gatherings when the number of COVID19 cases shoots through the sky but you cannot have large family gatherings in fear of COVID19 infections. So which is which? Image source: Malaysia Gazette / Twitter.

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Outbreak 2021: I Finally Got My First COVID19 Vaccination Done

vaccine vaccination COVID19

It is said that as of 17th July 2021, based on the vaccination progress around the world, it is estimated that 1 billion people has been full vaccinated whilst 1.04 billion people have been partially vaccinated. One of the plus points in recent days is that Malaysia is leading on the number of daily doses administrated per 100 people. Chart source: Our World In Data / Mathieu, E., Ritchie, H., Ortiz-Ospina, E. et al

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