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Gaming 101: Path of Exile – First Impressions & Quick Differences With Diablo 2

Path of Exile Diablo 2 Gaming RPG

Lately, I have been playing an online role-playing game titled which is very similar to the more established Diable franchise where you take up a character from the four to five which has different abilities & powers that grow as you finish missions & collect artifacts. Image source: Sean Do/Unsplash

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Year 2017: The Day I Became Car Wash Centre Worker

car wash

(This is probably the worst ever. But the true horror is seeing your loved vehicles being man-handled at the car wash centres and being blasted with cheap detergents & shampoos that can rust the car body and wash half done properly and you still need to pay for it. This was one thing that we decided not to do when and if we decided to open our own car wash centre)

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