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Work from Home

Project Management 101: Working Hard From Home – Benefits & Detriments

Working from home old office

One of the key factors in deciding the best workplace these days is -life balance and despite many workplaces in being capable of coming up with some concessions to have a good balance between work & life, they more often insist on a 9 am to 5 pm timeline.

This was the case until the decided to shake things up at the workplace with strict lockdowns & introduced the concept of work from (). Image source: Internet

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Outbreak 2022: Finally Getting Infected With Deadly COVID19 Virus

COVID19 Political Gathering

I always find it illogical for politicians to organise large political gatherings when the number of cases shoots through the sky but you cannot have large gatherings in fear of COVID19 infections. So which is which? Image source: Gazette / Twitter.

Read More »Outbreak 2022: Finally Getting Infected With Deadly COVID19 Virus

Lock Down in Malaysia 2020: Day 9: Deterioration & Painful Extension

lock down

Last Wednesday, the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the country will be placed in total lock down for the next 21 days as his government takes step to halt the spread of coronavirus. It did not take long for the Indian police and the military to enforce this lock down order. Image source: NPR.

Not many questions asked, offenders are given the whack of a wooden stick or metal rod. In , we may come to this as well if some Malaysians still don’t adhere to stay at order.

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Lockdown in Malaysia 2020: Day 1: Excited to Work From Home

lockdown covid19

As at yesterday and with a nationwide , the country still saw a surge of coronavirus cases to 790 confirmed infections with 2 deaths and only 60 recovered.

The moronic part of the surge in the number of is this – 513 of the 790 confirmed cases (almost 65%) were due to the irresponsible religious gathering – an event where the participants, organisers and their supporters are still in denial mode and missing by the thousands. Image source: Malaysiakini.

Read More »Lockdown in Malaysia 2020: Day 1: Excited to Work From Home